IMO P1T16 500 Direct On Line Starter 7.5kW 500V 50Hz New I107 MBC016a


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SKU: MBC016a Category:


IMO P1T16 500 Direct On Line Starter 
 500-550V 50Hz – 550-600v 60Hz
7.5kW 3-400V
Breconjess I.D.  – I 107
Sealed to IP65.
The unit comes brand new and boxed, complete with specifications sheet.
Inside is the outer case is an IMO contacter marked K2-16A10 this is situated below the green “on” switch and would be operated by it when pressed.The red “stop” switch is remote to this and does not seem to be connected to anything ( see note in red below). There is a red wire protruding from the contactor it is not connected to anything.The base has 8 M20 knock out cable entry ports, 4 coming in directly through the bottom of the base, 2 incorporated in the top and 2 in the bottom of the side walls of the base unit, permitting flush fitting, (via 2 fixing lugs on the base unit).
Dimensions: Length 172mm, Width 90mm, Height 102mm
Buy in confidence from a uk based seller.
Please note:- we now do a range of IMO thermal overload relays that we are informed by a very satisfied customer suit these units, apparently they sit in the case connected to the on board K2-16A contactor by three brass connection pins, the red button on the case then operates the relay. We have several types search for U12/16A thermal overload relay or contact us.

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