1 Piece
The Philips 80C31/80C51/87C51 is a high-performance
microcontroller fabricated with Philips high-density CMOS
technology. The CMOS 8XC51 is functionally compatible with the
NMOS 8031/8051 microcontrollers. The Philips CMOS technology
combines the high speed and density characteristics of HMOS with
the low power attributes of CMOS. Philips epitaxial substrate
minimizes latch-up sensitivity.
The 8XC51 contains a 4k × 8 ROM (80C51) EPROM (87C51), a 128
× 8 RAM, 32 I/O lines, two 16-bit counter/timers, a five-source,
two-priority level nested interrupt structure, a serial I/O port for either
multi-processor communications, I/O expansion or full duplex UART,
and on-chip oscillator and clock circuits.
In addition, the device has two software selectable modes of power
reduction—idle mode and power-down mode. The idle mode freezes
the CPU while allowing the RAM, timers, serial port, and interrupt
system to continue functioning. The power-down mode saves the
RAM contents but freezes the oscillator, causing all other chip
functions to be inoperative.
• 8031/8051 compatible
– 4k × 8 ROM (80C51)
– 4k × 8 EPROM (87C51)
– ROMless (80C31)
– 128 × 8 RAM
– Two 16-bit counter/timers
– Full duplex serial channel
– Boolean processor
• Memory addressing capability
– 64k ROM and 64k RAM
• Power control modes:
– Idle mode
– Power-down mode
• CMOS and TTL compatible
The Philips 80C31/80C51/87C51 is a high-performance
microcontroller fabricated with Philips high-density CMOS
technology. The CMOS 8XC51 is functionally compatible with the
NMOS 8031/8051 microcontrollers. The Philips CMOS technology
combines the high speed and density characteristics of HMOS with
the low power attributes of CMOS. Philips epitaxial substrate
minimizes latch-up sensitivity.
The 8XC51 contains a 4k × 8 ROM (80C51) EPROM (87C51), a 128
× 8 RAM, 32 I/O lines, two 16-bit counter/timers, a five-source,
two-priority level nested interrupt structure, a serial I/O port for either
multi-processor communications, I/O expansion or full duplex UART,
and on-chip oscillator and clock circuits.
In addition, the device has two software selectable modes of power
reduction—idle mode and power-down mode. The idle mode freezes
the CPU while allowing the RAM, timers, serial port, and interrupt
system to continue functioning. The power-down mode saves the
RAM contents but freezes the oscillator, causing all other chip
functions to be inoperative.
• 8031/8051 compatible
– 4k × 8 ROM (80C51)
– 4k × 8 EPROM (87C51)
– ROMless (80C31)
– 128 × 8 RAM
– Two 16-bit counter/timers
– Full duplex serial channel
– Boolean processor
• Memory addressing capability
– 64k ROM and 64k RAM
• Power control modes:
– Idle mode
– Power-down mode
• CMOS and TTL compatible
These parts came to us as part of a lot of surplus stock from a large Milspec type OEM and have been kept in storage for some time (date coded 8944), we have therefore classified them as ‘new other’. They are however unused and in pristine condition, stored with us still tubed and in original packaging, and, as with all our products they come with a full guarantee. The photograph’s are of the actual chips we hold in stock.
If you have similar items to this, or indeed any electronic components that are surplus to requirements please contact us with details.