Boxed PCB Mount Header Plug Range 2 Pieces
Vertical MountorRight Angle Mount
Male LatchedPolarised10 to 64 way available in both vertical and R/Angle typesSee the above drop down box for the exact mix you require ie. 34 Way Latched Male Vert Pol (34 way vertical mount polarised with cut out notch)
EB64 2 Pieces
Photographs representative of range they are of the EB64E 10 Way Latched Male R/A Polarised
and the EB64F 10 Way Latched box header, Male, vertical, Polarised.
We Purchase Surplus Stock!!!!
If you or your company has items similar to this, or indeed any electronic components surplus to requirements please contact us with part numbers and quantities.
As many of our lines come to us as surplus, we are able to pass on our cost savings, often for high end industrial or even ‘Milspec’ grade components.